Carlson Veit Junge Architects PC has promoted Nick Wallace, AIA, to Associate Principal after six and half years with the firm and nine years of design experience. He is a University of Oregon alum, and a member of the American Institute of Architects. Additionally, he participated in Leadership Salem 2018-2019 and stays heavily involved in the community. Nick is exceptional at integrating the client’s desires into every project while paying close attention to detail, constructability, and code compliance. He is adept in all phases of the design process including design documents, bidding & negotiation, and construction administration. Some of his most notable projects with the firm include St. Innocent Winery, Open Dental Software Office Buildings, McMinnville Honda, and Honda, BMW, and Volkswagen of Salem. He is currently working on the new Capitol Subaru project.
Nick is exceptional at integrating the client’s desires into every project while paying close attention to detail, constructability, and code compliance.