Carlson Veit Architects has complete conceptual design for a classroom and support space building for Holy Family Academy, a small private Catholic school in Brooks, Oregon. The 5,000 square foot building will expand the K-8th grade school’s ability to serve their growing student population and provide new media and specialty learning spaces.
Established in 1993, Holy Family Academy is a K-8 small, private and independent school teaching the Catholic Faith within a classical liberal-arts curriculum. Holy Family came into existence after a group of lay Catholics from the Mount Angel – Salem area recognized the need for Catholic education from a classical perspective that permitted greater parental involvement in keeping with the encyclical Familiaris Consortio. The school campus is located 12 minutes northeast of Salem in Brooks, Oregon. To learn more about Holy Family Academy, visit their website at www.holyfamilyacademy.us.
The 5,000 square foot building will expand the K-8th grade school’s ability to serve their growing student population and provide new media and specialty learning spaces.